Release Dates

1782 s/t, Heavy Psych Sounds, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
ABRAHMA "In Time For The Last Rays Of Light", Small Stone Records / Deadlight Entertainment, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
BRIGHT CURSE "Time of the Healer", Ripple Music, 10/05/2019 – FB, BC
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Mors Aeterna", Argonauta Records, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
DOOMSTRESS "Sleep Among the Dead", Ripple Music / DHU Records, 10/05/2019 – FB, BC
DUEL "Valley Of Shadows", Heavy Psych Sounds, 17/05/2019 – FB, BC
EARTH "Full Upon Her Burning Lips", Sargent House, 24/05/2019 – FB, Home
GREEN ORACLE s/t, Argonauta Records, 31/05/2019 – FB, BC
LORD VICAR "The Black Powder", The Church Within Records, 03/05/2019 – FB, BC
MONASTERIUM "Church of Bones", Nine Records, 06/05/2019 – FB, BC
MOUNT SOMA "Nirodha" EP, self-release, 01/05/2019 – FB, BC
OCTOBER TIDE "In Splendor Below", Agonia Records, 17/05/2019 – FB, Home
SAINT VITUS "Saint Vitus", Season Of Mist, 17/05/2019 – FB, BC, Home
THRONEHAMMER "Usurper Of The Oaken Throne", Church Within Records, 03/05/2019 – FB, BC
BURNING GLOOM "Amygdala", Argonauta Records, 14/06/2019 – FB, BC
MAMMOTH STORM "Alruna", Argonauta Records, 28/06/2019 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS "Canyons", Black Bow Records, 14/06/2019 – FB, BC
HEX "God Has No Name", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/07/2019 – FB, BC

MARS RED SKY: WINTER TOUR 2013/2014 starts this wednesday, don't miss!

MARS RED SKY are gonna take the road for 16 dates across Europe from Wednesday (November 20th) to December 5th ! This tour will be completed by 4 gigs in Spain in January 2014 !!

11/20 LIEGE (B) - La Zone
11/21 BRUSSEL (B) - Salle Rogier (+ Naam)
11/22 ERFURT (D) - Stadtgarten (+ Monkey 3 & Naam)
11/23 BERLIN (D) - White Trash (+ Monkey 3)
11/24 WARSAW (PL) - Harenda Club
11/25 RIGA (LVA) - Nabaklab
11/26 TALLINN (EST) - Snakehouse
11/27 JYVÄSKYLÄ (FIN) - Lutakko
11/28 HELSINKI (FIN) - Bar Loose
11/29 TURKU (FIN) - Klubi Ilta puoli
11/30 MARIEHAMN (FIN) - Dino's Bar

12/01 VÄXJO (SWE) - Cafe Deluxe
12/02 COPENHAGEN (DK) - Dødsmaskinen
12/03 BREMEN (D) - Römer TBC
12/04 REIMS (FR) - L'Appart Café
12/05 BREST (FR) - La Carène

01/23 DONOSTIA (SP) - Mogambo
01/24 BARCELONA (SP) - Rocksound
01/25 ZARAGOZA (SP) - Pub Eccos
01/26 MADRID (SP) - Wurlitzer Balroom

More infos on :

Past Releases 2019

HELEVORN "Aamamata", Solitude Productions / Bad Mood Man, 23/01/2019 – FB, BC
HOLLOW LEG "Civilizations", Argonauta Records, 25/01/2019 – FB, BC
LUMBAR "The First and Last Days of Unwelcome" (re-release), Argonauta Records, 11/01/2019 – FB, YouTube
OTHUUM "The Astral Horror", self-release, 01/05/2019 – FB, BC
QUERCUS "Verferum", MFL-Records, 01/01/2019 – FB, BC
SLOW "IV - Mythologiae", code666, 25/01/2019 – FB, BC
WITHERED FIST "This Is My Mountain", self-release, 01/01/2019 – FB, BC
WOORMS "Slake", Hospital Records / Sludgelord Records, 18/01/2019 – FB, BC
BLCKWVS "0160", This Charming Man Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
CANDLEMASS "The Door To Doom", Napalm Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, Home
COSMIC PLUNGE "Dealing with the Harvester", self-release, 06/02/2019 – FB, BC
DEAD WITCHES "The Final Exorcism", Heavy Psych Sounds, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
ENDLESS FLOODS "Circle The Gold", Fvtvrerecordings / Bigout Records, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
EREMIT "Carrier of Weight", Transcending Obscurity Records, 25/02/2019 – FB, BC
LEFT HAND SOLUTION "Through The Mourning Woods", Massproduktion, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
MAESTUS "Deliquesce", Code666, 08/02/2019 – FB, BC
THE MOTH GATHERER "Esoteric Oppression", Agonia Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
NEGATIVE WALL "Gammagelu", Black Doomba Records, 08/02/2019 – FB, BC
OLDD WVRMS "Codex Tenebris", Cursed Monk Records, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
PRIMITIVE MAN / HELL split, Translation Loss Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
RED BEARD WALL "The Fight Needs Us All", Argonauta Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
RED EYE "Tales From The Days Of Yore", Alone Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
UN / COLTSBLOOD split, self-release, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
WOLF COUNSEL "Destination Void", Endless Winter, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
0N0 "Cloaked Climax Concealed" EP, Transcending Obscurity, 03/03/2019 – FB, BC
11PARANOIAS "Asterismal", Ritual Productions, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
AMBER TEARS "When No Trails", Solitude Productions, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
ATARAXIE "Résignés", Deadlight / Weird Truth / Xenokorp, 08/03/2019 – FB, Home
BLACK LUNG "Ancients", Ripple Music, 08/03/2019 – FB, BC
BLACK VULPINE "Veil Nebula", Moment Of Collapse Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
CARDINALS FOLLY / LUCIFER'S FALL split, Cruz Del Sur Music, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
DUN RINGILL "Welcome", Argonauta Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
FANGE "Punir", Throatruiner Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
GREEN THUMB "There Are More Things" EP, Acid Cosmonaut Records, 18/03/2019 – FB, BC
HIGH REEPER "High Reeper", Heavy Psych Sounds, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
ILLIMITABLE DOLOR "Leaden Light", Transcending Obscurity, 20/03/2019 – FB, BC
MAGIC CIRCLE "Departed Souls", 20 Buck Spin, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
NIXA "Opus Tierra", War Anthem Records, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
OBSIDIAN SEA "Strangers", Ripple Music, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
OREYEON "Ode To Oblivion", Heavy Psych Sounds, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
ORO "Djupets Kall", Endless Winter, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
RADARE "Der Endless Dream", Golden Antenna Records, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
SLOTH HAMMER "Superbia Ira Acedia", Cursed Monk Records, 30/03/2019 – FB, BC
TAR PIT "Tomb Of Doom", self-release, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
TEL "Lowlife", Aural Music, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
TEMPLE OF THE FUZZ WITCH s/t, Seeing Red Records, 08/03/2019 – FB, BC
THE DEVIL AND THE ALMIGHTY BLUES "Tre", Blues For The Red Sun, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
URZA "The Omnipresence of Loss", Solitude Productions, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
ANCIENT ALTAR "Cosmic Purge/Foie Gras", Black Voodoo Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
BLIND MONARCH "What Is Imposed Must Be Endured", Black Bow Records, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
CHALICE OF SUFFERING "Lost Eternally", Transcending Obscurity Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
CITIES OF MARS "The Horologist", Ripple Music, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
CLOUDS TASTE SATANIC "Evil Eye", Kinda Like Music, 30/04/2019 – FB, BC
CONJURER "Sigils", self-release, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
FALSE GODS "The Serpent and the Ladder" EP, self-release, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
GRIEF COLLECTOR "From Dissension To Avowal", self-release, 01/04/2019 – FB, BC
HIGH PRIEST "Sanctum" EP, Magnetic Eye Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
OCEANWAKE "Lights Flashing In Mute Scenery", Lifeforce Records, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
RED MOON ARCHITECT "Kuura", The Vinyl Division / Grey Beton Records, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
SMOLDER "Times Of Obscene Evil And Wild Daring", Cruz Del Sur Music, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
SUNN O))) "Life Metal", Southern Lord, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
THE WELL "Death and Consolation", Riding Easy Records, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
WITCHFINDER "Hazy Rites", Black Bow Records, 01/04/2019 – FB, BC

Past Releases 2018

ABYSMAL GRIEF "Blasphema Secta, Terror From Hell Records, 13/01/2018 – Homepage
ANGUISH "Magna Est Vis Suignah", High Roller Records, 28/01/2018 – FB, BC
BELDAM "Pasung", Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC, YouTube
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY "Grimmest Hits", Spinefarm Records, 19/01/2018 – FB
BLOODMOON "Supervoid Trinity", self-release, 31/01/2018 – FB, BC
CLAMFIGHT "III", Argonauta Records, 19/01/2017 – FB, BC
DJINN AND MISKATONIC "Even Gods Must Die", Transcending Obscurity, 10/01/2018 – FB, BC
FAAL "Desolate Grief", Ván Records, 26/01/2018 – FB
GREYFELL "Horsepower", Argonauta Records, 12/01/2018 – FB, BC
HOODED MENACE "Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed", Season Of Mist, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
IRON PIKE "Demos: I & II", Seeing Red Records / Widowmaker Tapes, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
KAYLETH "Colossus", Argonauta Records, 12/01/2018 – FB, BC
SINISTRO "Sangue Cássia", Season Of Mist, 05/01/2018 – FB, BC
SLOW "V - Oceans", Code666, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHCRYER "Cry Witch", Ripple Music, 19/01/2018 – FB, BC
APOSTLE OF SOLITUDE "From Gold to Ash", Cruz Del Sur Music, 23/02/2018 – FB, BC, Homepage
BIBLE BLACK TYRANT "Regret Beyond Death", Argonauta Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
COFFIN TORTURE "Dismal Planet", Sludgelord Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
CORRUPTED "Felicific Algorithim" LP, Cold Spring, 16/02/2018
CRUTHU "The Angle Of Eternity", The Church Within Records, 23/02/2018 – FB, BC
EYE OF SOLITUDE / MARCHE FUNÈBRE split, Hypnotic Dirge Records / Cimmerian Shade Recordings, 22/02/2018 – FB, BC
GODWATT "Necropolis", Jolly Roger Records, 09/02/2018 – FB, BC
GREEN LUNG "Free the Witch" EP, Deckhead Records, 19/02/2018 – FB, BC
MY SILENT WAKE "There Was Death", Minotauro Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
SABEL "Re-Generation", Kozmik Artifactz / Oak Island Records, 28/02/2018 – FB, BC
SATIVA ROOT "Oneirod", self-release, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
SEVEN SERPENTS "Garden of Eyes" EP, self-release, FB, BC
SPACESLUG "Mountains & Reminiscence", Kozmik Artifactz/ Oak Island Records, 28/02/2018 – FB, BC
SWAMP CORPSE "Bone Mill", Black Bow Records, 02/02/2018 – FB, BC
THAL "Reach for the Dragon's Eye", Argonauta Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
WINDHAND / SATAN'S SATYRS split LP, Relapse Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
BENEATH OBLIVION "The Wayward and the Lost", Weird Truth Productions, 27/03/2018 – FB, BC
BESVÄRJELSEN "Vallmo", Suicide Records, 27/03/2018 – FB, BC
DAUTHA "Brethren of the Black Soil", Ván Records, 16/03/2018 – FB, BC
DESERT STORM "Sentinels", APF Records, 16/03/2018 – FB, BC
DDENT "Toro", self-release, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
EAGLE TWIN "The Thundering Heard (Songs of Hoof and Horn", Southernlord Records, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC, Home
ET MORIEMUR "Epigrammata", Transcending Obscurity Records, 20/03/2018 – FB, BC
FORMING THE VOID / PYRESHIP split, Endhipendit Record Co, 09/03/2018 – FB, BC
GODTHRYMM "A Grand Reclamation", Transcending RecordsFB, BC
HEMELBESTORMER "A Ring Of Blue Light", Ván Records, 02/03/2018 – FB, BC
LEECHFEAST "Neon Crosses", Dry Cough Records / Rope Or Guillotine, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION "The Incubus of Karma", Osmose Productions / 20 Buck Spin / Weird Truth Productions, 23/03/2018 – FB, Home
NEST "Metempsychosis", Sludgelord Records, 02/03/2018 – FB, BC
OWL "Orion Fenix", Zeitgeister Music, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS / MAMMOTH WEED WIZARD BASTARD "Totems" split, Black Bow Records, 29/03/2018 – FB, BC
SOLDAT HANS "Es taut", Wolves And Vibrancy Records, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC
SUNNATA "Outlands", self-release, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
THE WATCHERS "Black Abyss", Ripple Music, 09/03/2018 – FB, BC
THRONELESS "Cycles", Black Bow Records, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS "Dust of Aeons", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/03/2018 – FB, BC
AEONIAN SORROW "Into The Eternity A Moment We Are", self-release, 11/04/2018 – FB, BC, Home
ASSUMPTION "Absconditus", Everlasting Spew Records, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
BLACK SALVATION "Uncertainty Is Bliss", Relapse Records, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
KING GOAT "Debt of Aeons", Aural Music, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
GREENBEARD "Lödarödböl", Kozmik Artifactz, 20/04/2018 – FB, Home
MESSA "Feast for Water", Aural Music, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
MONSTERNAUT "Enter The Storm", Heavy Psych Sounds, 27/04/2018 – FB, BC
NAMED BY THE SUN "Deathcap" EP, Superhot Records, 27/04/2018 – FB, BC
RADIEN "Syvyys", Black Bow Records / Bunkkeri Records, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
SOLSTICE "White Horse Hill", Invictus Productions, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
TONS "Filthy Flowers Of Doom", Heavy Psych Sounds, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
AGE OF TAURUS "The Colony Slain", Rise Above Records, 18/05/2018 – FB
BODY VOID "I Live Inside A Burning House", Crown And Throne / Dry Cough Records / Seeing Red Records, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
BOGHAUNTER "Writhe" EP, Seeing Red Records, 04/05/2018 – FB, BC
BONG "Thought And Existence", Ritual Productions, 04/05/2018 – FB, BC
CANDLEMASS "House of Doom", Napalm Records, 25/05/2018 – More infos HERE!
CHRCH "Light Will Comsume Us All", Neurot Recordings, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
COLTSBLOOD "Ascending Into Shimmering Darkness", Black Bow Records, 15/05/2018 – FB, BC
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Hopeless" EP, Heavy Friends Records, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
DOPETHRONE "Transcanadian Anger", Totem Cat Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
HIGH PRIESTESS s/t, Ripple Music, 18/05/2018 – FB, Home
KAISER "1st Sound", Oak Island Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
NOMAD "Feral", APF Records, 31/05/2018 – FB, BC
OMMADON "End Times", Dry Cough Records / At War With False Noise / DGRecords / Medusa Crush Recordings, 01/05/2018 – FB, BC
SERGEANT THUNDERHOOF "Terra Solus", self-release, 14/05/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHSORROW "Hexenhammer", Candlelight Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
AMAROK "Devoured", Translation Loss Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
APE VERMIN "Sonic Monolith", self-release, 13/06/2018 – FB, BC
DOOMED "6 Anti-Odes To Life", Solitude Productions, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
DRUG CULT s/t, Ritual Productions, 21/06/2018 – FB, Home
ENHAILER "Dumb Enough To Care" EP, Burnout Records, 14/06/2018 – FB, BC
EYE OF SOLITUDE "Slaves To Solitude", self-release, 01/06/2018 – FB, Home
FRAYLE "The White Witch" EP, Seeing Red Records / Lay Bare Recordings, 15/06/2018 – FB, BC
HAUNTED "Dayburner", Twin Earth Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
KHEMMIS "Desolation", 20 Buck Spin / Nuclear Blast Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC, Home
KING HEAVY "Guardian Demons", Cruz Del Sur Music, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
KITE "The All Penetrating Silence", Sludgelord Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
LESSER GLOW "Ruined", Pelagic Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
MIST "Free Me Of The Sun", Soulseller Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
RAUM KINGDOM "Everything & Nothing", self-release, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS / CONAN split, Black Bow Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
SOLILOQUIUM "Contemplations", Transcending Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
THE AGE OF TRUTH "Threshold", Kozmik Artifactz, 29/06/2018 – FB, BC
THE RED COIL "Himalayan Demons", Argonauta Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
VOID OF SILENCE "The Sky Over", Avantgarde Music, 11/06/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHSKULL "Coven's Will", Rise Above Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
YOB "Our Raw Heart", Relapse Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
1968 "Ballads of the Godless", HeviSike, 06/07/2018 – FB, BC
CAMBRIAN "Mobular", Oak Island Records, 27/07/2018 – FB, BC
KIELKROPF "Ignorance Is Bliss" EP, Sludgelord Records, 06/07/2018 – FB, BC
LUCIFER "Lucifer II", Century Media Records, 06/07/2018 – FB
SPACESLUG "Eye the Tide", BSFD Records, 20/07/2018 – FB, BC
WEED DEMON "Astrological Passages", Electric Valley Records, 27/07/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHKISS "The Austere Curtains Of Our Eyes", Argonauta Records, 13/07/2018 – FB, BC
ANCESTORS "Suspended In Reflections", Pelagic Records, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
ANGUS BLACK s/t, Discos Macarras Records, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
BEERWOLF "Planetfall", Ripple Music, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
DEATHBELL "With The Beyond", Kozmik Artifactz, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
FORMING THE VOID "Rift", Kozmik Artifactz, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
LURK "Fringe", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/08/2018 – FB, BC
PRIMITIVE MAN / UNEARTHLY TRANCE split, Relapse Records, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
SPIRIT DIVISION "Forgotten Planet", self-release, 31/08/2018 – FB, BC
ACOLYTES OF MOROS "The Wellspring", Nine Records, 24/09/2018 – FB, BC
DEAD HAND "Reborn Of Dead Light", Divine Mother Recordings, 07/09/2018 – FB, BC
DRUGLORD "New Day Dying", Sludgelord Records, 14/09/2018 – FB, BC
ENNUI "End Of The Circle", Non Serviam Records, 05/09/2018 – FB, BC
HANGMAN'S CHAIR "Banlieue Triste", Spinefarm Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
KOMATSU "A New Horizon", Argonauta Records, 07/09/2018 – FB, Home
PILLARS "Onward To Nothingness", Seeing Red Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
SOLEMN CEREMONY s/t, Nine Records, 17/09/2018 – FB, BC
UN "Sentiment", Translation Loss Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
VESSEL OF LIGHT "Woodshed", Argonauta Records, 21/09/2018 – FB
ALASTOR "Slave To The Grave", RidingEasy Records, 31/10/2018 – FB, BC
ALKYMIST s/t, Indisciplinarian, 05/10/2018 – FB, BC
BLACK LOTUS "Sons of Saturn", Inverse Records, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
BURN RITUAL "Blood of the Raven", Cursed Monk Records, 01/10/2018 – FB, BC
CULLED "Thin the Herd, Fail to Learn", Hibernation Release, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
CARCHARODON "Bukkraken", Argonauta Records, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
DEADBIRD "III: The Forest Within The Tree", 20 Buck Spin, 12/10/2018 – FB, YouTube
DIRGE "Ah Puch", self-release, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
DOMKRAFT "Flood", Blues Funeral Recordings, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
SHALLOW GRAVE "Threshold Between Worlds", Sludgelord Records / Black Voodoo Records / Cursed Monk Records / minoRobscuR, 31/10/2018 – FB, BC
SILVER GRIME "Healed by the Dark", Inverse Records, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
SORROWFUL LAND "I Remember", Solitude Productions, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
UNDER "Stop Being Naive", APF Records, 30/10/2018 – FB, BC
WINDHAND "Eternal Return", Relapse Records, 05/10/2018 – FB, BC
DISRULE "Sleep in Your Honour", Seeing Red Records, 16/11/2018 – FB, BC
HOLY GROVE "Holy Grove II", Ripple Music, 09/11/2018 – FB, BC
HOREHOUND "Holocene", Doom Stew Records, 30/11/2018 – FB, BC
HUATA "Lux Initiatrix Terrae", Seeing Red Records / Sludgelord Records / MusicFearSatan, 23/11/2018 – FB, BC
MIRROR OF DECEPTION "The Estuary", self-release, 09/11/2018 – Home, FB, BC
NIGHT GAUNT "The Room", Terror From Hell Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
OLD MAN LIZARD "True Misery", Wasted State Records, 30/11/2018 – FB, BC
ONSET "Unstructured Dissemination" EP, Weird Truth Productions, 28/11/2018 – FB, BC
ØLTEN "Ambiance", Hummus Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
PAINTHING "Where Are You Now?", Solitude Productions, 09/11/2018 – FB, BC
URSA "Abyss Between the Stars", Blood Music, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
WHEN THE DEADBOLT BREAKS "Angels Are Weeping ... God Has Abandoned", Sliptrick Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
COMATOSE VIGIL A.K. "Evangelium Nihil", Non Serviam Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
DAWN OF WINTER "Pray For Doom", I Hate Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, YouTube
DAYGLO MOURNING / BLUDY GYRES "Rope Enough For Two", Black Doomba Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
DEATHKINGS "Ex Nihilo" EP, self-release, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
DOOMCULT "Life Must End", Loneravn Records, 03/12/2018 – FB, BC
EVANGELIST "Deus Vult", Nine Records, 20/12/2018 – FB, BC
GOBLINSMOKER "Toad King", Sludgelord Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
JUNIPER GRAVE "Of Hellions & Harridans", Wasted State Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
MANSION "First Death of the Lutheran", I Hate Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
SQUALUS / SHADOW LIMB "Mass and Power" split, Translation Loss Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
THUNDER HORSE s/t, BC/TX Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
TUSKAR "The Tide, Beneath, The Wall" EP, Riff Rock Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
VANHA "Melancholia", Black Lion Records, 30/12/2018 – FB, BC

Past Releases 2017

AATHMA "Avesta", Underground Legends Records – Listen
BANTHA RIDER s/t, self-release, 07/01/2017 – Listen
DEMONIC DEATH JUDGE "Seaweed", Suicide Records, 13/01/2017 – Listen
DOOM'S DAY "The Whore", PRC Music, 13/01/2017
DSW "Tales From The Cosmonaut", Acid Cosmonaut Records, 15/01/2017
ENDLESS FLOODS "II", Dry Cough Records, 06/01/2016
EPHEDRA "Can'-Ka No Rey", Argonauta Records, 30/01/2017
FREEDOM HAWK "Sunlight" (re-release), Ripple Music, 27/01/2017
FROZEN PLANET....1969 "Electric Smokehouse", Pepper Shaker Records / Headspin Records, 11/01/2017
HEREM "III", Inverse Records, 13/01/2017
JOHN GARCIA "The Coyote Who Spoke In Tongues", Napalm Records, 27/01/2017
LIZZARD WIZZARD "Total War Power Bastard", self-release, 01/01/2017
MAGNET "Feel Your Fire", Soulseller Records, 27/01/2017
MANGOG "Awakens", Argonauta Records, 09/01/2017
MIRES "Loom", self-release, 13/01/2017 – Listen
PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT "Magick Rites And Spells", Soulseller Records, 27/01/2017
WRATH OF ECHOES "A Fading Bloodline", PRC Music, 13/01/2017
1968 "Fortuna Havana", Black Bow Records, 10/02/2017
ASOFY "Nessun Luogo", Avantgarde Music, 22/02/2017
BATHSHEBA "Servus", Svart Records, 24/02/2017
BATTALIONS "Nothing To Lose", Black Bow Records, 27/02/2017
BURIED FEATHER "Mind Of The Swarm", Kozmik Artifactz, 10/02/2017
CONCRETE JELLY "Getting Noticed", Sliptrick Records, 07/02/2017
CRANIAL "Dark Towers / Bright Lights", Moment Of Collapse Records, 10/02/2017
DDENT "آكتئاب", self-release, 13/02/2017
ELECTRIC AGE "Sleep Of The Silent King", Argonauta Records, 27/02/2017
ESCAPE IS NOT FREEDOM "Goldsmith", self-release, 24/02/2017
GLOSON "Grimen", Art Of Propaganda, 13/02/2017
GRIM RAVINE "The Light Is From Below", Black Bow Records, 17/02/2017
HORISONT "About Time", Century Media Records, 03/02/2017
KINGNOMAD "Mapping The Inner Void", Ripple Music, 24/02/2017
KING WOMAN "Created In The Image Of Suffering", Relapse Records, 24/02/2017
MARCHE FUNÈBRE "Into The Arms Of Darkness", MFL Records, 20/02/2017
NULA "Kenoma" EP, Black Bow Records, 24/02/2017
RHINO "The Law Of Purity", Argonauta Records, 13/02/2017
R.I.P. "In The Wind", Riding Easy Records, 03/02/2017
RÜCKWATER "Bonehead", Inverse Records, 24/02/2017
SANTO ROSTRO "The Healer", Discos Macarras, 03/02/2017 – Listen
STINKING LIZAVETA "Journey To The Underworld", Translation Loss Records, 17/02/2017
STRANGE BROUE "Seance" EP, Sunmask Records, 24/02/2017
TETHRA "Like Crows For The Earth", Sliptrick Records, 11/02/2017
THE DARKHORSE "The Carcass Of The Sun Will Sleep", Attic Records, 24/02/2017
THERA ROYA "Stone And Skin", self-release, 17/02/2017
UNEARTHLY TRANCE "Stalking The Ghost", Relapse Records, 24/02/2017
VOIDCRUISER "Wayfarer", Argonauta Records, 27/02/2017
ALUNAH "Solennial", Svart Records, 17/03/2017
ALASTOR "Black Magic", Twin Earth Records, 24/03/2017
CALLIOPHIS "Cor Serpentis", Solitude Productions, 27/03/2017
CLOUD CATCHER "Trails Of Kozmik Dust", Totem Cat Records, 13/03/2017
DESERT KINGDOM s/t, Black Bow Records, 04/03/2017
DOCTOR CYCLOPS "Local Dogs", Heavy Psych Sounds Records, 31/03/2017
DREAD SOVEREIGN "For Doom The Bell Tolls", Ván Records, 03/03/2017
DRUDE s/t, self-release, 03/03/2017
FANGE "Pourrissoir", Throatruiner Records, 17/03/2017
FORMING THE VOID "Relic", Argonauta Records, 17/03/2017
HOLLOW LEG "Murder" EP, Argonauta Records, 03/03/2017
ILLIMITABLE DOLOR s/t, Transcending Obscurity Records, 22/03/2017
KREYSKULL "The Bird Of Bad Weather", Sliptrick Records, 30/03/2017
MOTHERSLOTH "Moon Omen", Argonauta Records, 03/03/2017
MOUNTAIN GOD "Bread Solstice", Artificial Head Records, 24/03/2017
NUDIST "Bury My Innocence", Argonauta Records, 20/03/2017
OCEANWAKE "Earthen", VicSolum Records, 10/03/2017
OHHMS "The Fool", Holy Roar Records, 31/03/2017
OTUS "7.83Hz", Argonauta Records, 20/03/2017
PALLBEARER "Heartless", Profound Lore Records, 24/03/2017
SHOW OF BEDLAM "Transfiguration", PRC Music, 31/03/2017
SPACETRUCKER "Launch Sequence", self-release, 31/03/2017
TELEKINETIC YETI "Abominable", Sump Pump Records, 17/03/2017
TELEPATHY "Tempest", Golden Antenna Records, 31/03/2017
THE HAZYTONES s/t, Sunmask Records, 24/03/2017
WITCHSTONE "Mortal Fear Of Infinity", self-release / Sunmask Records (distribution), 03/03/2017
ALTAR OF BETELGEUZE "Among The Ruins", Transcending Obscurity Records, 15/04/2017
ARCTIC SLEEP "Arbors" (re-release), The Church Within Records, 21/04/2017
ARCTIC SLEEP "Passage Of Gaia" (re-release), The Church Within Records, 21/04/2017
CRACKHOUSE s/t EP, Argonauta Records, 07/04/2017
CURSE THE SON "Isolator", Ripple Music, 07/04/2017
CURSUS s/t, Artificial Head Records, 28/04/2017
DARSOMBRA "Polyvision", Translation Loss Records, 14/04/2017
DAUTHA "Den Förste" MCD/EP, Ván Records, 21/04/2017
DEMON HEAD "Thunder On The Fields", The Sign Records, 07/04/2017
DEVIL "To The Gallows", Soulseller Records, 21/04/2017
ELEPHANT BELL "Gates Of Dawn", Argonauta Records, 28/04/2017
EVOKE THY LORDS "Lifestories", Solitude Productions, 24/04/2017
FUNERALIUM "Of Throes And Blight", Weird Truth Productions, 12/04/2017
GREEN METEOR "Consumed By A Dying Sun", Argonauta Records, 21/04/2017
IMINDAIN "The Enemy Of Fetters And Dwellers In The Woods", Weird Truth Productions, 12/04/2017
KITCHEN WITCH s/t, Kozmik Artifactz, 14/04/2017
LIFE OF AGONY "A Place Where There's No More Pain", Napalm Records, 28/04/2017
MOONBOW "War Bear", Ripple Music, 21/04/2017
OBELYSKKH "The Providence", Exile On Mainstream Records, 21/04/2017
THE OBSESSED "Sacred", Relapse Records, 07/04/2017
THE RIVEN "Blackbird", self-release, 14/04/2017
WITCHAPTER "Spellcaster" EP, Black Bow Records, 07/04/2017
BEASTMAKER "Inside The Skull", Rise Above Records, 19/05/2017
BELOW "Upon A Pale Horse", Metal Blade Records, 19/05/2017
BELOW THE SUN "Alien World", Temple Of The Torturous, 26/05/2017
BLACKBIRD HILL "Midday Moonlight", self-release, 05/05/2017
DESCARADO "Odd", Oak Island Records / Kozmik Artifactz
DRUG HONKEY "Cloak Of Skies", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/05/2017
FROM OCEANS TO AUTUMN "Ether / Return To Earth", Argonauta Records, 05/05/2017
HARVESTMAN "Music For Megaliths", Neurot Recordings, 19/05/2017
HEAVY TEMPLE "Chassit", Ván Records, 26/05/2017
HEAVY TRAFFIC "Plastic Surgery", Twin Earth Records, 26/05/2017
HUMULUS "Reverently Heading Into Nowhere", Oak Island Records / Kozmik Artifactz
MAHAKALA "The Second Fall", Supreme Music Creations, 26/05/2017
MERCHANT "Beneath", Black Bow Records, 12/05/2017
MONOBROW "The Nacarat", Trill Or Be Trilled Records, 30/05/2017
MORASS OF MOLASSES "These Paths We Tread", HeavySike Records, 19/05/2017
NORSKA "Too Many Winters", Brutal Panda Records, 26/05/2017
PYRESHIP "The Liars Bend Low", Black Bow Records, 26/05/2017
RED BEARD WALL s/t, Argonauta Records, 12/05/2017
RED MOON ARCHITECT "Return Of The Black Butterflies", Inverse Records, 19/05/2017
SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT "One With The Universe", Electric Magic Records, 12/05/2017
STEAK "No God To Save", Ripple Music, 19/05/2017
SUMMONER "Beyond The Realm Of Light", Magnetic Eye Records, 12/05/2017
WARCRAB "Scars Of Aeons", Transcending Obscurity Records, 01/05/2017
AKATHARTA "Spiritus Immundus", Pulverised Records, 23/06/2017
BURY THE MACHINES "Wicked Covenant" EP, Midnite Collective, 09/06/2017
CIRCLE "Terminal", Southern Lord Records, 23/06/2017
DEATH THE LEVELLER s/t EP, self-release, 12/06/2017
DEMONAUTA "Tierra Del Fuego", Kozmik Artifactz / Bilocation Records, 09/06/2017
ENTER THE SOIL "That Ember Lit Morning", self-release, 09/06/2017 – Listen!
FIRE DOWN BELOW "Viper, Vixen, Goddes, Saint", Ripple Music, 23/06/2017
HOLLOW LEG "Crown, Murder Edition", Argonauta Records, 30/06/2017
LÂMINA "Lilith", Raging Planet, 02/06/2017
MARS RED SKY "Myramyd" 12-inch-EP, self-release, 17/06/2017
SAPATA "Satanibator", Inverse Records, 02/06/2017
SPACE WITCH "Arcanum", HeavySike Records, 09/06/2017
VOKONIS "The Sunken Djinn", Ripple Music, 09/06/2017
WASTES "Into The Void Of Human Vacuity", Code666 Records, 15/06/2017
WEIRD TALES s/t, self-release, 01/06/2017
WITCHTHROAT SERPENT 7-inch-EP, Svart Records, 16/06/2016
A STICK AND A STONE "The Long Lost Art Of Getting Lost", Sentient Ruin / Breathe Plastic / Spirit House, 21/07/2017
BORIS "Dear", Sargent House, 14/07/2017
BRUME "Rooster", DHU Records / Doom Stew Records, 15/07/2017
CAMBRIAN "Mobular", Taxi Driver Records – Listen!
CONTRA "Deny Everything", Robustfellow Productions / Shifty Records, 01/07/2017
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Chamber Of Horrors", Heavy Friends Records, 14/07/2017
FLESHPRESS "Hulluuden Muuri", Kult Of Nihilow, 14/07/2017
GRAND DELUSION "Supreme Machine", Minotauro Records, 14/07/2017
GOD ROOT "Salt And Rot", Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 11/07/2017
HAIR OF THE DOG "This World Turns", Kozmik Artifactz / Bilocation Records, 14/07/2017
KABBALAH "Spectral Ascent", Twin Earth Records, 07/07/2017
KING ZOG s/t, 28/07/2017
KROH "Altars", Minotauro Records, 14/07/2017
NIBIRU "Caosgon" (remastered), Argonauta Records, 07/07/2017
POSEIDON "Prologue", Ripple Music, 21/07/2017
SEER "Vol. III & IV: Cult Of The Void", Art Of Propaganda, 07/07/2017
SHROUD EATER "Strike The Sun", STB Records, 07/07/2017
THE MIDNIGHT GHOST TRAIN "Cypress Ave", Napalm Records, 28/07/2017
CANYON OF THE SKULL "The Desert Winter", self-release, 19/08/2017
CARONTE "Yoni", Ván Records, 25/08/2017
DEMON EYE "Prophecies And Lies", Soulseller Records, 11/08/2017
DEVIL ELECTRIC s/t, Kozmik Artifactz, 11/08/2017
FALSE GODS "Reports From Oblivion" EP, self-release, 18/08/2017
HELL s/t, Sentient Ruin Laboratories, 11/08/2017
HOWLING GIANT "Black Hole Space Wizard (Part 2)", Magnetic Eye Records, 25/08/2017
THE JUDGE "Tell It To The Judge", Ripple Music, 04/08/2017
LOW FLYING HAWKS "Genkaku", Magnetic Eye Records, 25/08/2017
OLDE "Temple", Magnetic Eye Records, 11/08/2017
TUNGA MOLN "III", Hevisike Records, 11/08/2017
71TONMANN "Earthwreck", Black Bow Records, 22/09/2017
BIG | BRAVE "Ardor", Southern Lord Records, 15/09/2017
CARDINALS FOLLY "Deranged Pagan Sons", Nine Records (CD) / Topillo Records (LP), 04/09/2017
CHURCH OF VOID s/t, Argonauta Records, 15/09/2017
CITIES OF MARS "Temporal Rifts", Argonauta Records, 29/09/2017
CRAWL "This Sad Cadav'r", Black Bow Records, 01/09/2017
DEADSMOKE "Mountain Legacy", Heavy Psych Sound Records, 29/09/2017
FACES OF THE BOG "Ego Death", DHU Records, 22/09/2017
HANDS OF ORLAC / THE WANDERING MIDGETSplit, Cruz Del Sur Music, 08/09/2017
MAHARAJA "Kali Yuga", self-release, 22/09/2017
MENIN "Lord Of Pain" EP, Doom Stew Records, 15/09/2017
MESMUR "S", Solitude Productions, 15/09/2017
MINDKULT "Lucifer's Dream", Transcending Obscurity Records, 20/09/2017
MONARCH "Never Forever", Profound Lore Records, 22/09/2017
MONOLORD "Rust", RidingEasy Records, 29/09/2017
PARADISE LOST "Medusa", Nuclear Blast Records, 01/09/2017
PROFETUS "Coronation of the Black Sun" (remastered), Weird Truth Productions, 27/09/2017
PROCESS OF GUILT "Black Earth", Bleak Recordings / Division Records, 22/09/2017
RED MOUNTAINS "Slow Wander", All Good Clean Records, 01/09/2017
SATOR "Ordeal", Argonauta Records, 01/09/2017
THREE EYES LEFT "The Cult Of Astaroth", Argonauta Records, 15/09/2017
UFOMAMMUT "8", Neurot Recordings, 22/09/2017
USNEA "Portals Into Futility", Relapse Records, 08/09/2017
WITH THE DEAD "Love With The Dead", Rise Above Records, 22/09/2017
APOTELESMA "Timewrought Kings", Solitude Productions, 27/10/2017
CRACKHOUSE "Ne No One. Be Nothing", Argonauta Records, 06/10/2017
ETERNAL ELYSIUM "Searching Low & High" (re-release), Robustfellow Productions
I KLATUS "Nagual Sun", self-release, 13/10/2017
IRON MONKEY "9-13", Relapse Records, 20/10/2017
JARED JAMES NICHOLS "Black Magic", Listenable Records / Edel, 27/10/2017
KALIBOS "Hexa", Darkest Age Productions, 01/10/2017
KROH "Pyres", Devizes Records, 13/10/2017
OBESE "Anamnesis", Argonauta Records, 20/10/2017
ODRADEK ROOM "A Man of Silt", Hypnotic Dirge Records / Solitude Productions, 12/10/2017
R.I.P. "Street Reaper", RidingEasy Records, 13/10/2017
PRIMITIVE MAN "Caustic", Relapse Records, 06/10/2017
PROCESSION "Doom Decimation", High Roller Records, 31/10/2017
SNOWY DUNES "Atlantis", Hevisike Records, 27/10/2017
STONEBIRDS "Time", self-release, 20/10/2017
YEAR OF THE COBRA "Burn Your Dead" EP, Magnetic Eye Records, 27/10/2017
BLACK CAPRICORN "Omega", Stone Stallion Rex, 02/11/2017
BONG CAULDRON "Binge", APF Records, 30/11/2017
CATAPULT THE DEAD "A Universal Emptiness", Doom Stew Records, 15/11/2017
DAXMA "The Head Which Becomes the Skull", Magnetic Eye Records, 17/11/2017
DEADNECK "Levitation", Kozmik Artifactz, 10/11/2017
ELECTRIC WIZARD "Wizard Bloody Wizard", Witchfinder / Spinefarm Records, 10/11/2017
FISTER & CHRCH split 12-inch, Crown and Throne Ltd, 17/11/2017
FREEDOM HAWK s/t (re-release), Ripple Music, 17/11/2017
HIGH REEPER s/t, self-release, 03/11/2017
I AM FIRE "From Ashes", Elevation Denmark, 10/11/2017
JUPITERIAN "Terraforming", Transcending Obscurity Records, 15/11/2017
LORELEI "Shadows Of October", Solitude Productions, 24/11/2017 – FB, BC
LUNA "Swallow Me Leaden Sky", Solitude Productions, 10/11/2017 – Home, BC
MAGMA RISE 10-inch vinyl, Daredevil Records, 03/11/2017
MONOLITH CULT "Gospel Of Despair", Transcending Records, 17/11/2017 – FB
PROFESSOR EMERITUS "Take Me To The Gallows", No Remorse Records, 13/11/2017
PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT "Sound Of The Wind", Listenable Records / Edel, 03/11/2017
PURPLE HILL WITCH "Celestial Cemetery", The Church Within Records, 10/11/2017
REDEMPTUS "Every Red Heart Fades To Black", Lost Pilgrims Records, 17/11/2017
SPECTRAL HAZE "Turning Electric", Totem Cat Records, 24/11/2017 – FB, BC
THE MOTH "Hysteria", This Charming Man Records, 10/11/2017
THE OBSESSED s/t (re-release), Relapse Records, 17/11/2017 – FB, BC
UR "Grey Wanderer", Droneburg Records, 24/11/2017
V "Pathogenisis", Suicide Records, 08/11/2017 – FB, BC
VESSEL OF LIGHT s/t, Argonauta Records, 03/11/2017
WOLF COUNSEL "Age Of Madness / Reign Of Chaos", Czar Of Bullets, 17/11/2017
YLVA "META", Pelagic Records /Translation Loss Records, 17/11/2017
ÆSTHETICA "Sonorous Æon", Esetiske Studier / Fysisk Format, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
HAWKMOTH "Godless Summit", Black Bow Records, 14/12/2017 – FB, BC
HOODED PRIEST "The Hour Be None", I Hate Records, 01/12/2017 – Review!
INTERSTELAR "Resin", Kozmik Artifactz, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
IRON WALRUS "A Beast Within", Redfield Records, 15/12/2017 – FB, Home
KING GOAT "Conduit" (re-release), Aural Music, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
LES LEKIN "Died With Fear", Tonzonen Records, 01/12/2017 – FB, BC
PALE HORSEMAN "The Fourth Seal", Black Bow Records, 08/12/2017 – Review!
SNOWCHILD "Age Of Change", Kozmik Artifactz, 22/12/2017 – FB, BC
SORROWFUL LAND "Where The Sullen Waters Flow" EP, Solitude Productions, 15/12/2018 – FB, BC
THE HOWLING VOID "The Darkness at the Edge of Dawn", Avantgarde Music, 18/12/2017 – FB, BC




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