Release Dates

1782 s/t, Heavy Psych Sounds, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
ABRAHMA "In Time For The Last Rays Of Light", Small Stone Records / Deadlight Entertainment, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
BRIGHT CURSE "Time of the Healer", Ripple Music, 10/05/2019 – FB, BC
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Mors Aeterna", Argonauta Records, 24/05/2019 – FB, BC
DOOMSTRESS "Sleep Among the Dead", Ripple Music / DHU Records, 10/05/2019 – FB, BC
DUEL "Valley Of Shadows", Heavy Psych Sounds, 17/05/2019 – FB, BC
EARTH "Full Upon Her Burning Lips", Sargent House, 24/05/2019 – FB, Home
GREEN ORACLE s/t, Argonauta Records, 31/05/2019 – FB, BC
LORD VICAR "The Black Powder", The Church Within Records, 03/05/2019 – FB, BC
MONASTERIUM "Church of Bones", Nine Records, 06/05/2019 – FB, BC
MOUNT SOMA "Nirodha" EP, self-release, 01/05/2019 – FB, BC
OCTOBER TIDE "In Splendor Below", Agonia Records, 17/05/2019 – FB, Home
SAINT VITUS "Saint Vitus", Season Of Mist, 17/05/2019 – FB, BC, Home
THRONEHAMMER "Usurper Of The Oaken Throne", Church Within Records, 03/05/2019 – FB, BC
BURNING GLOOM "Amygdala", Argonauta Records, 14/06/2019 – FB, BC
MAMMOTH STORM "Alruna", Argonauta Records, 28/06/2019 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS "Canyons", Black Bow Records, 14/06/2019 – FB, BC
HEX "God Has No Name", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/07/2019 – FB, BC

OLDE: Those Outlaws From Canada Stir The Sludgepit | Die Gesetzlosen aus Kanada bringen Bewegung in den Sludgepit


We Don't Give A Fuck About Rules

Interview by Aleksey Evdokimov

Did you hear that savage roar from Malton of Ontarion? I'm sure you did. Canadian Sludge'n'Stoner band OLDE was one of the most interesting discoveries of 2014, their first and only record “I” is appreciated not in vain. It's solid, raging and damn serious stuff is a real gift to rebellious hearts, so we have dared to interrupt Greg Dawson himself from his guitar-devoted meditation to ask him a few important questions about his band.

Let us start with a questions about the band's current status – what do you do now?
Right now we are writing new songs while supporting ‘I’. Also we have been trying to streamline our set with less pause between songs. So our set just flows nicely and Doug doesn't have to talk too much.

Did he rally entertain public between songs with speeches?
No, what I mean is he doesn't like talking. So by tightening up the space in between songs live, Doug feels less pressure to speak to the crowd.

Why do you think OLDE's first record did receive so much attention? And I'm not even asking about the cool art-work, because it's an obvious reason to pay attention to the album.
I'm not really sure why the album got so much attention but I'm happy it's listened to. Theo did do a rad job on the cover though for sure. I'd like to think people appreciate the rawness, size and honesty of the album.

OLDE's stuff sounds very deliberated and restrained. Did you visit anger management courses?
Hahaha, I think playing our music might be our anger management. We were definitely going for a very grim sound however I'm not sure any of us are that grim or bleak outside of the jam room – maybe Doug just a little. Man, I just wanted to sound like a locomotive and move some serious air. For me it was more of a sound and feel I was trying to create with my guitar. The tunes are grim and dark but I actually feel super happy when I play them. Is that weird?

“The tunes are grim and dark but I actually feel happy when I play them.”

It's weird if you wouldn't feel this way. But I hope that you don't plan to dive into more extreme underground.
The plan is to keep enjoying playing music together while trying to maintain the integrity of the band's sound and hopefully evolve a little along the way.

How long did you work on the solid and dry guitar sound?
I'm still working on the guitar sound and will never truly be happy with it. Lots of pedal buying and trying, amp tweaking, this tube, that tube. I kind of drive myself bananas with it. I found a new pedal yesterday that works quite nice with my JCM800, it's the Fulltone Octafuzz – a big big fuzz. But yeah, I'm never fully satisfied ever.

Do you plan to release another edition of ‘I’ but the limited vinyl and digital format in the near future?
If you mean a new record, hell yeah! We've been writing some new songs and are very happy so far. We have about 4 new tunes on the go. Not much has changed with the new songs, because we like our sound and style. However, we do feel it is evolving a little bit. We want the next record to clearly be an OLDE record but we certainly want to have some growth. Kind of like Lemmy’s mole but in song. That was just bad.

I'm talking about a re-release of ‘I’ on CD or on vinyl again.
Yes, we are doing a limited run of CDs and we will press more vinyl for sure. Maybe we will do a different colour of vinyl on our next run.

These new songs that you're talking about – don’t you think to use one or two tunes for some split-album?
I would love to do a split 7-inch. That could get us back in the studio and get new music sooner than later which I like.

Do you care about OLDE's lyrical content?
Yes, I really care about the lyrics. I want to either believe in them or believe them. When Doug sings, that fucker is putting a lot into it. Mind and body. I love his lyrics very much. He's our pessimistic poet, hahaha! Seriously though Doug touches on a lot of topics and I really like the way he lays out his words and patterns too.

OLDE was in almost every Top-2014, does it change anything after all? Did labels call you day and night offering big contracts?
Not much changed really. A little more contact from promoters and lots of nice reviews but not too much in the way of labels.

What do you think about sludge and metal popularization? Is it ok for you that this strange popularity, which doesn't give any profit because of the internet also doesn't guarantee a feedback from listeners?
I'm great with metal and heavy music being popular, I think it always has been. IRON MAIDEN were selling out stadiums in the 80s, which is fucking great. As far as the internet goes and making a profit we don't really care, we just like playing and really get off on the fact that people are listening in. That being said I don't want someone else making money on our hard work but we ain't playing sludge/doom to make dough, haha!

How often do you play live and how does it feel to tour in Canada?
We're trying to play as much as we can right now. We'll probably amp it up when the nicer weather comes. Travelling in the winter kind of sucks! Doom isn't so big around here but I reckon when we play Montreal it will be well received. Musically I look at Montreal as Canada's Europe. People are more open minded and support heavy music much more there. Toronto is a little too cool for school. People are spoiled in this town.

Is it hard to keep the band's personality despite all trends and temptations to follow some genre's rules?
With all due respect to whomever, we don't give a fuck about rules! #

Wir scheißen auf alle Regeln

Interview von Aleksey Evdokimov

Habt ihr den wilden Schrei aus Malton/Ontarion gehört? Ich bin mir sicher, ihr habt. Die kanadische Sludge/Doom-Band OLDE gehört zu den interessantesten Entdeckungen des Jahres 2014 und ihr Debütalbum „I“ erfreut sich nicht grundlos allgemeiner Beliebtheit. Sein kompaktes, wütendes und verdammt ernstzunehmendes Material ist ein wahres Geschenk für jedes rebellische Herz, weshalb wir nicht umhin kamen Greg Dawson in seiner Gitarren-Meditation zu stören und ihm eine Handvoll wichtiger Fragen über seine Band zu stellen.

Lass uns mit dem aktuellen Stand bei euch beginnen – was macht ihr im Moment?
Zurzeit komponieren wir neue Songs und präsentieren ‚I‘ live. Wir arbeiten gerade daran, unser Set mit kürzeren Pausen zwischen den einzelnen Songs kompakter zu gestalten. Das funktioniert ziemlich gut und Doug muss nicht so viel erzählen.

Hat er das Publikum zwischen den Songs immer mit Reden bombardiert?
Nein, er redet überhaupt nicht so gern. Indem wir die Lücken zwischen den Songs gerafft haben, verspürt Doug weniger Druck mit den Leuten sprechen zu müssen.

Was denkst du, ist der Grund dafür, dass das erste OLDE-Album so viel Aufmerksamkeit einheimsen konnte? Und da spreche ich noch nicht einmal von dem coolen Cover-Artwork, das alleine schon Grund genug ist, um dem Album Beachtung zu schenken.
Ich kann mir selbst nicht erklären, warum das Album so viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommt, aber ich freue mich selbstverständlich, dass es angehört wird. Theo hat mit dem Cover wirklich einen irren Job abgeliefert. Mir gefällt die Vorstellung, dass die Leute das Album aufgrund seiner Rohheit, des Formats und seiner Ehrlichkeit mögen.

Euer Material klingt wohl durchdacht und gezügelt. Habt ihr Anti-Aggressionstrainings besucht?
Hahaha! Ich finde, Musik machen ist unser Anti-Aggressionstraining. Wir wollten auf jeden Fall einen grimmigen Sound, allerdings bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob wir außerhalb des Proberaums wirklich so grimmig und raubeinig auftreten – vielleicht Doug ein wenig. Ich wollte, dass wir wie eine Dampflok klingen und richtig Druck machen. Mir ging es darum mit der Gitarre einen bestimmten Klang und ein Gefühl zu erzeugen, das grimmig und düster ist. Allerdings geht es mir richtig super, wenn ich unsere Songs spiele – klingt schräg oder?

„Es klingt zwar grimmig und düster, aber mir geht es richtig super, wenn ich unsere Songs spiele.“ 

Es wäre schräg, wenn es dir nicht so ginge. Hoffentlich habt ihr nicht vor tiefer in den Extremen Underground abzutauchen.
Wir wollen einfach weiter Spaß am gemeinsamen Musizieren haben, den Bandsound vervollkommnen und uns dabei hoffentlich weiterentwickeln.

Wie lange hast du am soliden und trockenen Gitarrensound gearbeitet?
Ich arbeite ständig am Gitarrensound und werde wohl nie wirklich mit ihm zufrieden sein. Ich kaufe Unmengen Pedals, probiere sie aus und frisiere den Verstärker mit der einen oder anderen Röhre. Hab' da einen ziemlich Knall. Erst gestern stieß ich auf ein Pedal, das super mit meinem JCM800 funktioniert, das Fulltone Octafuzz – ein monströser Fuzz. Aber so richtig zufrieden werde ich nie sein.

Wird es außer dem limitierten Vinyl- und dem Digitalformat bald eine weitere Auflage von ‚I‘ geben?
Klar wird es ein neues Album geben! Wir haben vier neue Songs komponiert und sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Material. Viel hat sich nicht verändert, weil wir unseren Klang und Stil gut finden. Trotzdem ist eine Entwicklung zu spüren. Das nächste Album soll eindeutig nach OLDE klingen, aber wir wollen auf jeden Fall eine Steigerung zum Vorgänger. So etwas wie Lemmys Warze, nur als Song – der war ziemlich mies.

Ich meine eigentlich eine Wiederveröffentlichung von ‚I‘ auf CD oder eine weitere Vinyl-Auflage.
Es wird eine begrenzte Anzahl CDs geben und mit Sicherheit lassen wir mehr Platten pressen. Vielleicht wird die nächste Auflage eine andere Vinylfarbe haben.

Apropos neue Songs – könnte es sein, dass ihr den einen oder anderen auf einem Split-Album veröffentlicht?
Es wäre großartig eine 7-Inch-Split zu machen. Ich würde gern möglichst bald wieder ins Studio gehen und neue Musik aufnehmen.

Wie wichtig sind dir die textlichen Inhalte von OLDE?
Die Texte sind mir sehr wichtig. Ich möchte an sie glauben und für wahr nehmen. Wenn Doug singt, legt er sehr viel Herz und Seele hinein. Ich liebe seine Texte. Er ist unser pessimistischer Poet, haha! Aber ganz im Ernst, Doug befasst sich mit vielen Themen und ich liebe sein Wortspiel und die Gestaltungsweise.

OLDE war in so gut wie jeder Top-2014-Liste vertreten. Hat das irgend etwas verändert und rufen euch seitdem Tag und Nacht Labels an und wedeln mit fetten Verträgen?
Es hat sich nicht wirklich viel verändert. Ein paar mehr Promoter haben uns kontaktiert und es gab Unmengen schöne Reviews. Aber labeltechnisch ist nicht allzu viel passiert.

Wie denkst du über die Popularität des Sludge und Metal? Ist es ein Problem für dich, dass das Internet trotz seiner Verbreitungsmöglichkeiten weder profitabel ist noch garantiert, dass ihr eine Rückmeldung von den Hörern erhaltet?
Ich finde es toll, dass Metal und harte Musik beliebt sind, das waren sie meiner Meinung nach immer. IRON MAIDEN haben in den Achtzigern Stadien ausverkauft, was verdammt großartig ist. Was das Internet und den Gewinn angeht, interessiert uns das nicht wirklich. Wir machen einfach gerne Musik und freuen uns enorm, dass da Menschen sind, die uns anhören. Und ehrlich gesagt will ich nicht, das jemand anderes mit unserer harten Arbeit Geld verdient. Aber wir machen ja auch keinen Sludge/Doom um Knete zu verdienen, haha!

Wie oft spielt ihr live und wie ist es in Kanada unterwegs auf Tour zu sein?
Wir versuchen zurzeit so oft wie möglich aufzutreten und werden vielleicht noch einen Zahn zulegen, wenn das Wetter draußen wieder schöner ist. Im Winter auf Tour zu gehen ist Mist! Doom ist hierzulande nicht so verbreitet, aber ich kann mich daran erinnern, dass unsere Konzerte in Montreal immer gut besucht waren. Montreal ist für mich so etwas wie das Europa Kanadas. Die Menschen sind dort offener und unterstützen harte Musik. Toronto ist dafür zu cool und die Leute verwöhnt.

Ist es schwer die Identität der Band aufrechtzuerhalten, trotz aller Trends und Versuchungen gewissen Genre-Regeln zu entsprechen?
Bei allem Respekt wem auch immer gegenüber, wir scheißen auf Regeln!

Past Releases 2019

HELEVORN "Aamamata", Solitude Productions / Bad Mood Man, 23/01/2019 – FB, BC
HOLLOW LEG "Civilizations", Argonauta Records, 25/01/2019 – FB, BC
LUMBAR "The First and Last Days of Unwelcome" (re-release), Argonauta Records, 11/01/2019 – FB, YouTube
OTHUUM "The Astral Horror", self-release, 01/05/2019 – FB, BC
QUERCUS "Verferum", MFL-Records, 01/01/2019 – FB, BC
SLOW "IV - Mythologiae", code666, 25/01/2019 – FB, BC
WITHERED FIST "This Is My Mountain", self-release, 01/01/2019 – FB, BC
WOORMS "Slake", Hospital Records / Sludgelord Records, 18/01/2019 – FB, BC
BLCKWVS "0160", This Charming Man Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
CANDLEMASS "The Door To Doom", Napalm Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, Home
COSMIC PLUNGE "Dealing with the Harvester", self-release, 06/02/2019 – FB, BC
DEAD WITCHES "The Final Exorcism", Heavy Psych Sounds, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
ENDLESS FLOODS "Circle The Gold", Fvtvrerecordings / Bigout Records, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
EREMIT "Carrier of Weight", Transcending Obscurity Records, 25/02/2019 – FB, BC
LEFT HAND SOLUTION "Through The Mourning Woods", Massproduktion, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
MAESTUS "Deliquesce", Code666, 08/02/2019 – FB, BC
THE MOTH GATHERER "Esoteric Oppression", Agonia Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
NEGATIVE WALL "Gammagelu", Black Doomba Records, 08/02/2019 – FB, BC
OLDD WVRMS "Codex Tenebris", Cursed Monk Records, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
PRIMITIVE MAN / HELL split, Translation Loss Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
RED BEARD WALL "The Fight Needs Us All", Argonauta Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
RED EYE "Tales From The Days Of Yore", Alone Records, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
UN / COLTSBLOOD split, self-release, 15/02/2019 – FB, BC
WOLF COUNSEL "Destination Void", Endless Winter, 22/02/2019 – FB, BC
0N0 "Cloaked Climax Concealed" EP, Transcending Obscurity, 03/03/2019 – FB, BC
11PARANOIAS "Asterismal", Ritual Productions, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
AMBER TEARS "When No Trails", Solitude Productions, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
ATARAXIE "Résignés", Deadlight / Weird Truth / Xenokorp, 08/03/2019 – FB, Home
BLACK LUNG "Ancients", Ripple Music, 08/03/2019 – FB, BC
BLACK VULPINE "Veil Nebula", Moment Of Collapse Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
CARDINALS FOLLY / LUCIFER'S FALL split, Cruz Del Sur Music, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
DUN RINGILL "Welcome", Argonauta Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
FANGE "Punir", Throatruiner Records, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
GREEN THUMB "There Are More Things" EP, Acid Cosmonaut Records, 18/03/2019 – FB, BC
HIGH REEPER "High Reeper", Heavy Psych Sounds, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
ILLIMITABLE DOLOR "Leaden Light", Transcending Obscurity, 20/03/2019 – FB, BC
MAGIC CIRCLE "Departed Souls", 20 Buck Spin, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
NIXA "Opus Tierra", War Anthem Records, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
OBSIDIAN SEA "Strangers", Ripple Music, 22/03/2019 – FB, BC
OREYEON "Ode To Oblivion", Heavy Psych Sounds, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
ORO "Djupets Kall", Endless Winter, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
RADARE "Der Endless Dream", Golden Antenna Records, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
SLOTH HAMMER "Superbia Ira Acedia", Cursed Monk Records, 30/03/2019 – FB, BC
TAR PIT "Tomb Of Doom", self-release, 01/03/2019 – FB, BC
TEL "Lowlife", Aural Music, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
TEMPLE OF THE FUZZ WITCH s/t, Seeing Red Records, 08/03/2019 – FB, BC
THE DEVIL AND THE ALMIGHTY BLUES "Tre", Blues For The Red Sun, 29/03/2019 – FB, BC
URZA "The Omnipresence of Loss", Solitude Productions, 15/03/2019 – FB, BC
ANCIENT ALTAR "Cosmic Purge/Foie Gras", Black Voodoo Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
BLIND MONARCH "What Is Imposed Must Be Endured", Black Bow Records, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
CHALICE OF SUFFERING "Lost Eternally", Transcending Obscurity Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
CITIES OF MARS "The Horologist", Ripple Music, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
CLOUDS TASTE SATANIC "Evil Eye", Kinda Like Music, 30/04/2019 – FB, BC
CONJURER "Sigils", self-release, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
FALSE GODS "The Serpent and the Ladder" EP, self-release, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
GRIEF COLLECTOR "From Dissension To Avowal", self-release, 01/04/2019 – FB, BC
HIGH PRIEST "Sanctum" EP, Magnetic Eye Records, 19/04/2019 – FB, BC
OCEANWAKE "Lights Flashing In Mute Scenery", Lifeforce Records, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
RED MOON ARCHITECT "Kuura", The Vinyl Division / Grey Beton Records, 05/04/2019 – FB, BC
SMOLDER "Times Of Obscene Evil And Wild Daring", Cruz Del Sur Music, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
SUNN O))) "Life Metal", Southern Lord, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
THE WELL "Death and Consolation", Riding Easy Records, 26/04/2019 – FB, BC
WITCHFINDER "Hazy Rites", Black Bow Records, 01/04/2019 – FB, BC

Past Releases 2018

ABYSMAL GRIEF "Blasphema Secta, Terror From Hell Records, 13/01/2018 – Homepage
ANGUISH "Magna Est Vis Suignah", High Roller Records, 28/01/2018 – FB, BC
BELDAM "Pasung", Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC, YouTube
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY "Grimmest Hits", Spinefarm Records, 19/01/2018 – FB
BLOODMOON "Supervoid Trinity", self-release, 31/01/2018 – FB, BC
CLAMFIGHT "III", Argonauta Records, 19/01/2017 – FB, BC
DJINN AND MISKATONIC "Even Gods Must Die", Transcending Obscurity, 10/01/2018 – FB, BC
FAAL "Desolate Grief", Ván Records, 26/01/2018 – FB
GREYFELL "Horsepower", Argonauta Records, 12/01/2018 – FB, BC
HOODED MENACE "Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed", Season Of Mist, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
IRON PIKE "Demos: I & II", Seeing Red Records / Widowmaker Tapes, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
KAYLETH "Colossus", Argonauta Records, 12/01/2018 – FB, BC
SINISTRO "Sangue Cássia", Season Of Mist, 05/01/2018 – FB, BC
SLOW "V - Oceans", Code666, 26/01/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHCRYER "Cry Witch", Ripple Music, 19/01/2018 – FB, BC
APOSTLE OF SOLITUDE "From Gold to Ash", Cruz Del Sur Music, 23/02/2018 – FB, BC, Homepage
BIBLE BLACK TYRANT "Regret Beyond Death", Argonauta Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
COFFIN TORTURE "Dismal Planet", Sludgelord Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
CORRUPTED "Felicific Algorithim" LP, Cold Spring, 16/02/2018
CRUTHU "The Angle Of Eternity", The Church Within Records, 23/02/2018 – FB, BC
EYE OF SOLITUDE / MARCHE FUNÈBRE split, Hypnotic Dirge Records / Cimmerian Shade Recordings, 22/02/2018 – FB, BC
GODWATT "Necropolis", Jolly Roger Records, 09/02/2018 – FB, BC
GREEN LUNG "Free the Witch" EP, Deckhead Records, 19/02/2018 – FB, BC
MY SILENT WAKE "There Was Death", Minotauro Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
SABEL "Re-Generation", Kozmik Artifactz / Oak Island Records, 28/02/2018 – FB, BC
SATIVA ROOT "Oneirod", self-release, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
SEVEN SERPENTS "Garden of Eyes" EP, self-release, FB, BC
SPACESLUG "Mountains & Reminiscence", Kozmik Artifactz/ Oak Island Records, 28/02/2018 – FB, BC
SWAMP CORPSE "Bone Mill", Black Bow Records, 02/02/2018 – FB, BC
THAL "Reach for the Dragon's Eye", Argonauta Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
WINDHAND / SATAN'S SATYRS split LP, Relapse Records, 16/02/2018 – FB, BC
BENEATH OBLIVION "The Wayward and the Lost", Weird Truth Productions, 27/03/2018 – FB, BC
BESVÄRJELSEN "Vallmo", Suicide Records, 27/03/2018 – FB, BC
DAUTHA "Brethren of the Black Soil", Ván Records, 16/03/2018 – FB, BC
DESERT STORM "Sentinels", APF Records, 16/03/2018 – FB, BC
DDENT "Toro", self-release, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
EAGLE TWIN "The Thundering Heard (Songs of Hoof and Horn", Southernlord Records, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC, Home
ET MORIEMUR "Epigrammata", Transcending Obscurity Records, 20/03/2018 – FB, BC
FORMING THE VOID / PYRESHIP split, Endhipendit Record Co, 09/03/2018 – FB, BC
GODTHRYMM "A Grand Reclamation", Transcending RecordsFB, BC
HEMELBESTORMER "A Ring Of Blue Light", Ván Records, 02/03/2018 – FB, BC
LEECHFEAST "Neon Crosses", Dry Cough Records / Rope Or Guillotine, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION "The Incubus of Karma", Osmose Productions / 20 Buck Spin / Weird Truth Productions, 23/03/2018 – FB, Home
NEST "Metempsychosis", Sludgelord Records, 02/03/2018 – FB, BC
OWL "Orion Fenix", Zeitgeister Music, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS / MAMMOTH WEED WIZARD BASTARD "Totems" split, Black Bow Records, 29/03/2018 – FB, BC
SOLDAT HANS "Es taut", Wolves And Vibrancy Records, 30/03/2018 – FB, BC
SUNNATA "Outlands", self-release, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
THE WATCHERS "Black Abyss", Ripple Music, 09/03/2018 – FB, BC
THRONELESS "Cycles", Black Bow Records, 23/03/2018 – FB, BC
TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS "Dust of Aeons", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/03/2018 – FB, BC
AEONIAN SORROW "Into The Eternity A Moment We Are", self-release, 11/04/2018 – FB, BC, Home
ASSUMPTION "Absconditus", Everlasting Spew Records, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
BLACK SALVATION "Uncertainty Is Bliss", Relapse Records, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
KING GOAT "Debt of Aeons", Aural Music, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
GREENBEARD "Lödarödböl", Kozmik Artifactz, 20/04/2018 – FB, Home
MESSA "Feast for Water", Aural Music, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
MONSTERNAUT "Enter The Storm", Heavy Psych Sounds, 27/04/2018 – FB, BC
NAMED BY THE SUN "Deathcap" EP, Superhot Records, 27/04/2018 – FB, BC
RADIEN "Syvyys", Black Bow Records / Bunkkeri Records, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
SOLSTICE "White Horse Hill", Invictus Productions, 06/04/2018 – FB, BC
TONS "Filthy Flowers Of Doom", Heavy Psych Sounds, 20/04/2018 – FB, BC
AGE OF TAURUS "The Colony Slain", Rise Above Records, 18/05/2018 – FB
BODY VOID "I Live Inside A Burning House", Crown And Throne / Dry Cough Records / Seeing Red Records, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
BOGHAUNTER "Writhe" EP, Seeing Red Records, 04/05/2018 – FB, BC
BONG "Thought And Existence", Ritual Productions, 04/05/2018 – FB, BC
CANDLEMASS "House of Doom", Napalm Records, 25/05/2018 – More infos HERE!
CHRCH "Light Will Comsume Us All", Neurot Recordings, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
COLTSBLOOD "Ascending Into Shimmering Darkness", Black Bow Records, 15/05/2018 – FB, BC
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Hopeless" EP, Heavy Friends Records, 11/05/2018 – FB, BC
DOPETHRONE "Transcanadian Anger", Totem Cat Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
HIGH PRIESTESS s/t, Ripple Music, 18/05/2018 – FB, Home
KAISER "1st Sound", Oak Island Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
NOMAD "Feral", APF Records, 31/05/2018 – FB, BC
OMMADON "End Times", Dry Cough Records / At War With False Noise / DGRecords / Medusa Crush Recordings, 01/05/2018 – FB, BC
SERGEANT THUNDERHOOF "Terra Solus", self-release, 14/05/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHSORROW "Hexenhammer", Candlelight Records, 25/05/2018 – FB, BC
AMAROK "Devoured", Translation Loss Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
APE VERMIN "Sonic Monolith", self-release, 13/06/2018 – FB, BC
DOOMED "6 Anti-Odes To Life", Solitude Productions, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
DRUG CULT s/t, Ritual Productions, 21/06/2018 – FB, Home
ENHAILER "Dumb Enough To Care" EP, Burnout Records, 14/06/2018 – FB, BC
EYE OF SOLITUDE "Slaves To Solitude", self-release, 01/06/2018 – FB, Home
FRAYLE "The White Witch" EP, Seeing Red Records / Lay Bare Recordings, 15/06/2018 – FB, BC
HAUNTED "Dayburner", Twin Earth Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
KHEMMIS "Desolation", 20 Buck Spin / Nuclear Blast Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC, Home
KING HEAVY "Guardian Demons", Cruz Del Sur Music, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
KITE "The All Penetrating Silence", Sludgelord Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
LESSER GLOW "Ruined", Pelagic Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
MIST "Free Me Of The Sun", Soulseller Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
RAUM KINGDOM "Everything & Nothing", self-release, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
SLOMATICS / CONAN split, Black Bow Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
SOLILOQUIUM "Contemplations", Transcending Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
THE AGE OF TRUTH "Threshold", Kozmik Artifactz, 29/06/2018 – FB, BC
THE RED COIL "Himalayan Demons", Argonauta Records, 22/06/2018 – FB, BC
VOID OF SILENCE "The Sky Over", Avantgarde Music, 11/06/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHSKULL "Coven's Will", Rise Above Records, 01/06/2018 – FB, BC
YOB "Our Raw Heart", Relapse Records, 08/06/2018 – FB, BC
1968 "Ballads of the Godless", HeviSike, 06/07/2018 – FB, BC
CAMBRIAN "Mobular", Oak Island Records, 27/07/2018 – FB, BC
KIELKROPF "Ignorance Is Bliss" EP, Sludgelord Records, 06/07/2018 – FB, BC
LUCIFER "Lucifer II", Century Media Records, 06/07/2018 – FB
SPACESLUG "Eye the Tide", BSFD Records, 20/07/2018 – FB, BC
WEED DEMON "Astrological Passages", Electric Valley Records, 27/07/2018 – FB, BC
WITCHKISS "The Austere Curtains Of Our Eyes", Argonauta Records, 13/07/2018 – FB, BC
ANCESTORS "Suspended In Reflections", Pelagic Records, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
ANGUS BLACK s/t, Discos Macarras Records, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
BEERWOLF "Planetfall", Ripple Music, 24/08/2018 – FB, BC
DEATHBELL "With The Beyond", Kozmik Artifactz, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
FORMING THE VOID "Rift", Kozmik Artifactz, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
LURK "Fringe", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/08/2018 – FB, BC
PRIMITIVE MAN / UNEARTHLY TRANCE split, Relapse Records, 17/08/2018 – FB, BC
SPIRIT DIVISION "Forgotten Planet", self-release, 31/08/2018 – FB, BC
ACOLYTES OF MOROS "The Wellspring", Nine Records, 24/09/2018 – FB, BC
DEAD HAND "Reborn Of Dead Light", Divine Mother Recordings, 07/09/2018 – FB, BC
DRUGLORD "New Day Dying", Sludgelord Records, 14/09/2018 – FB, BC
ENNUI "End Of The Circle", Non Serviam Records, 05/09/2018 – FB, BC
HANGMAN'S CHAIR "Banlieue Triste", Spinefarm Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
KOMATSU "A New Horizon", Argonauta Records, 07/09/2018 – FB, Home
PILLARS "Onward To Nothingness", Seeing Red Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
SOLEMN CEREMONY s/t, Nine Records, 17/09/2018 – FB, BC
UN "Sentiment", Translation Loss Records, 28/09/2018 – FB, BC
VESSEL OF LIGHT "Woodshed", Argonauta Records, 21/09/2018 – FB
ALASTOR "Slave To The Grave", RidingEasy Records, 31/10/2018 – FB, BC
ALKYMIST s/t, Indisciplinarian, 05/10/2018 – FB, BC
BLACK LOTUS "Sons of Saturn", Inverse Records, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
BURN RITUAL "Blood of the Raven", Cursed Monk Records, 01/10/2018 – FB, BC
CULLED "Thin the Herd, Fail to Learn", Hibernation Release, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
CARCHARODON "Bukkraken", Argonauta Records, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
DEADBIRD "III: The Forest Within The Tree", 20 Buck Spin, 12/10/2018 – FB, YouTube
DIRGE "Ah Puch", self-release, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
DOMKRAFT "Flood", Blues Funeral Recordings, 19/10/2018 – FB, BC
SHALLOW GRAVE "Threshold Between Worlds", Sludgelord Records / Black Voodoo Records / Cursed Monk Records / minoRobscuR, 31/10/2018 – FB, BC
SILVER GRIME "Healed by the Dark", Inverse Records, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
SORROWFUL LAND "I Remember", Solitude Productions, 26/10/2018 – FB, BC
UNDER "Stop Being Naive", APF Records, 30/10/2018 – FB, BC
WINDHAND "Eternal Return", Relapse Records, 05/10/2018 – FB, BC
DISRULE "Sleep in Your Honour", Seeing Red Records, 16/11/2018 – FB, BC
HOLY GROVE "Holy Grove II", Ripple Music, 09/11/2018 – FB, BC
HOREHOUND "Holocene", Doom Stew Records, 30/11/2018 – FB, BC
HUATA "Lux Initiatrix Terrae", Seeing Red Records / Sludgelord Records / MusicFearSatan, 23/11/2018 – FB, BC
MIRROR OF DECEPTION "The Estuary", self-release, 09/11/2018 – Home, FB, BC
NIGHT GAUNT "The Room", Terror From Hell Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
OLD MAN LIZARD "True Misery", Wasted State Records, 30/11/2018 – FB, BC
ONSET "Unstructured Dissemination" EP, Weird Truth Productions, 28/11/2018 – FB, BC
ØLTEN "Ambiance", Hummus Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
PAINTHING "Where Are You Now?", Solitude Productions, 09/11/2018 – FB, BC
URSA "Abyss Between the Stars", Blood Music, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
WHEN THE DEADBOLT BREAKS "Angels Are Weeping ... God Has Abandoned", Sliptrick Records, 02/11/2018 – FB, BC
COMATOSE VIGIL A.K. "Evangelium Nihil", Non Serviam Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
DAWN OF WINTER "Pray For Doom", I Hate Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, YouTube
DAYGLO MOURNING / BLUDY GYRES "Rope Enough For Two", Black Doomba Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
DEATHKINGS "Ex Nihilo" EP, self-release, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
DOOMCULT "Life Must End", Loneravn Records, 03/12/2018 – FB, BC
EVANGELIST "Deus Vult", Nine Records, 20/12/2018 – FB, BC
GOBLINSMOKER "Toad King", Sludgelord Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
JUNIPER GRAVE "Of Hellions & Harridans", Wasted State Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
MANSION "First Death of the Lutheran", I Hate Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
SQUALUS / SHADOW LIMB "Mass and Power" split, Translation Loss Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
THUNDER HORSE s/t, BC/TX Records, 14/12/2018 – FB, BC
TUSKAR "The Tide, Beneath, The Wall" EP, Riff Rock Records, 07/12/2018 – FB, BC
VANHA "Melancholia", Black Lion Records, 30/12/2018 – FB, BC

Past Releases 2017

AATHMA "Avesta", Underground Legends Records – Listen
BANTHA RIDER s/t, self-release, 07/01/2017 – Listen
DEMONIC DEATH JUDGE "Seaweed", Suicide Records, 13/01/2017 – Listen
DOOM'S DAY "The Whore", PRC Music, 13/01/2017
DSW "Tales From The Cosmonaut", Acid Cosmonaut Records, 15/01/2017
ENDLESS FLOODS "II", Dry Cough Records, 06/01/2016
EPHEDRA "Can'-Ka No Rey", Argonauta Records, 30/01/2017
FREEDOM HAWK "Sunlight" (re-release), Ripple Music, 27/01/2017
FROZEN PLANET....1969 "Electric Smokehouse", Pepper Shaker Records / Headspin Records, 11/01/2017
HEREM "III", Inverse Records, 13/01/2017
JOHN GARCIA "The Coyote Who Spoke In Tongues", Napalm Records, 27/01/2017
LIZZARD WIZZARD "Total War Power Bastard", self-release, 01/01/2017
MAGNET "Feel Your Fire", Soulseller Records, 27/01/2017
MANGOG "Awakens", Argonauta Records, 09/01/2017
MIRES "Loom", self-release, 13/01/2017 – Listen
PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT "Magick Rites And Spells", Soulseller Records, 27/01/2017
WRATH OF ECHOES "A Fading Bloodline", PRC Music, 13/01/2017
1968 "Fortuna Havana", Black Bow Records, 10/02/2017
ASOFY "Nessun Luogo", Avantgarde Music, 22/02/2017
BATHSHEBA "Servus", Svart Records, 24/02/2017
BATTALIONS "Nothing To Lose", Black Bow Records, 27/02/2017
BURIED FEATHER "Mind Of The Swarm", Kozmik Artifactz, 10/02/2017
CONCRETE JELLY "Getting Noticed", Sliptrick Records, 07/02/2017
CRANIAL "Dark Towers / Bright Lights", Moment Of Collapse Records, 10/02/2017
DDENT "آكتئاب", self-release, 13/02/2017
ELECTRIC AGE "Sleep Of The Silent King", Argonauta Records, 27/02/2017
ESCAPE IS NOT FREEDOM "Goldsmith", self-release, 24/02/2017
GLOSON "Grimen", Art Of Propaganda, 13/02/2017
GRIM RAVINE "The Light Is From Below", Black Bow Records, 17/02/2017
HORISONT "About Time", Century Media Records, 03/02/2017
KINGNOMAD "Mapping The Inner Void", Ripple Music, 24/02/2017
KING WOMAN "Created In The Image Of Suffering", Relapse Records, 24/02/2017
MARCHE FUNÈBRE "Into The Arms Of Darkness", MFL Records, 20/02/2017
NULA "Kenoma" EP, Black Bow Records, 24/02/2017
RHINO "The Law Of Purity", Argonauta Records, 13/02/2017
R.I.P. "In The Wind", Riding Easy Records, 03/02/2017
RÜCKWATER "Bonehead", Inverse Records, 24/02/2017
SANTO ROSTRO "The Healer", Discos Macarras, 03/02/2017 – Listen
STINKING LIZAVETA "Journey To The Underworld", Translation Loss Records, 17/02/2017
STRANGE BROUE "Seance" EP, Sunmask Records, 24/02/2017
TETHRA "Like Crows For The Earth", Sliptrick Records, 11/02/2017
THE DARKHORSE "The Carcass Of The Sun Will Sleep", Attic Records, 24/02/2017
THERA ROYA "Stone And Skin", self-release, 17/02/2017
UNEARTHLY TRANCE "Stalking The Ghost", Relapse Records, 24/02/2017
VOIDCRUISER "Wayfarer", Argonauta Records, 27/02/2017
ALUNAH "Solennial", Svart Records, 17/03/2017
ALASTOR "Black Magic", Twin Earth Records, 24/03/2017
CALLIOPHIS "Cor Serpentis", Solitude Productions, 27/03/2017
CLOUD CATCHER "Trails Of Kozmik Dust", Totem Cat Records, 13/03/2017
DESERT KINGDOM s/t, Black Bow Records, 04/03/2017
DOCTOR CYCLOPS "Local Dogs", Heavy Psych Sounds Records, 31/03/2017
DREAD SOVEREIGN "For Doom The Bell Tolls", Ván Records, 03/03/2017
DRUDE s/t, self-release, 03/03/2017
FANGE "Pourrissoir", Throatruiner Records, 17/03/2017
FORMING THE VOID "Relic", Argonauta Records, 17/03/2017
HOLLOW LEG "Murder" EP, Argonauta Records, 03/03/2017
ILLIMITABLE DOLOR s/t, Transcending Obscurity Records, 22/03/2017
KREYSKULL "The Bird Of Bad Weather", Sliptrick Records, 30/03/2017
MOTHERSLOTH "Moon Omen", Argonauta Records, 03/03/2017
MOUNTAIN GOD "Bread Solstice", Artificial Head Records, 24/03/2017
NUDIST "Bury My Innocence", Argonauta Records, 20/03/2017
OCEANWAKE "Earthen", VicSolum Records, 10/03/2017
OHHMS "The Fool", Holy Roar Records, 31/03/2017
OTUS "7.83Hz", Argonauta Records, 20/03/2017
PALLBEARER "Heartless", Profound Lore Records, 24/03/2017
SHOW OF BEDLAM "Transfiguration", PRC Music, 31/03/2017
SPACETRUCKER "Launch Sequence", self-release, 31/03/2017
TELEKINETIC YETI "Abominable", Sump Pump Records, 17/03/2017
TELEPATHY "Tempest", Golden Antenna Records, 31/03/2017
THE HAZYTONES s/t, Sunmask Records, 24/03/2017
WITCHSTONE "Mortal Fear Of Infinity", self-release / Sunmask Records (distribution), 03/03/2017
ALTAR OF BETELGEUZE "Among The Ruins", Transcending Obscurity Records, 15/04/2017
ARCTIC SLEEP "Arbors" (re-release), The Church Within Records, 21/04/2017
ARCTIC SLEEP "Passage Of Gaia" (re-release), The Church Within Records, 21/04/2017
CRACKHOUSE s/t EP, Argonauta Records, 07/04/2017
CURSE THE SON "Isolator", Ripple Music, 07/04/2017
CURSUS s/t, Artificial Head Records, 28/04/2017
DARSOMBRA "Polyvision", Translation Loss Records, 14/04/2017
DAUTHA "Den Förste" MCD/EP, Ván Records, 21/04/2017
DEMON HEAD "Thunder On The Fields", The Sign Records, 07/04/2017
DEVIL "To The Gallows", Soulseller Records, 21/04/2017
ELEPHANT BELL "Gates Of Dawn", Argonauta Records, 28/04/2017
EVOKE THY LORDS "Lifestories", Solitude Productions, 24/04/2017
FUNERALIUM "Of Throes And Blight", Weird Truth Productions, 12/04/2017
GREEN METEOR "Consumed By A Dying Sun", Argonauta Records, 21/04/2017
IMINDAIN "The Enemy Of Fetters And Dwellers In The Woods", Weird Truth Productions, 12/04/2017
KITCHEN WITCH s/t, Kozmik Artifactz, 14/04/2017
LIFE OF AGONY "A Place Where There's No More Pain", Napalm Records, 28/04/2017
MOONBOW "War Bear", Ripple Music, 21/04/2017
OBELYSKKH "The Providence", Exile On Mainstream Records, 21/04/2017
THE OBSESSED "Sacred", Relapse Records, 07/04/2017
THE RIVEN "Blackbird", self-release, 14/04/2017
WITCHAPTER "Spellcaster" EP, Black Bow Records, 07/04/2017
BEASTMAKER "Inside The Skull", Rise Above Records, 19/05/2017
BELOW "Upon A Pale Horse", Metal Blade Records, 19/05/2017
BELOW THE SUN "Alien World", Temple Of The Torturous, 26/05/2017
BLACKBIRD HILL "Midday Moonlight", self-release, 05/05/2017
DESCARADO "Odd", Oak Island Records / Kozmik Artifactz
DRUG HONKEY "Cloak Of Skies", Transcending Obscurity Records, 05/05/2017
FROM OCEANS TO AUTUMN "Ether / Return To Earth", Argonauta Records, 05/05/2017
HARVESTMAN "Music For Megaliths", Neurot Recordings, 19/05/2017
HEAVY TEMPLE "Chassit", Ván Records, 26/05/2017
HEAVY TRAFFIC "Plastic Surgery", Twin Earth Records, 26/05/2017
HUMULUS "Reverently Heading Into Nowhere", Oak Island Records / Kozmik Artifactz
MAHAKALA "The Second Fall", Supreme Music Creations, 26/05/2017
MERCHANT "Beneath", Black Bow Records, 12/05/2017
MONOBROW "The Nacarat", Trill Or Be Trilled Records, 30/05/2017
MORASS OF MOLASSES "These Paths We Tread", HeavySike Records, 19/05/2017
NORSKA "Too Many Winters", Brutal Panda Records, 26/05/2017
PYRESHIP "The Liars Bend Low", Black Bow Records, 26/05/2017
RED BEARD WALL s/t, Argonauta Records, 12/05/2017
RED MOON ARCHITECT "Return Of The Black Butterflies", Inverse Records, 19/05/2017
SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT "One With The Universe", Electric Magic Records, 12/05/2017
STEAK "No God To Save", Ripple Music, 19/05/2017
SUMMONER "Beyond The Realm Of Light", Magnetic Eye Records, 12/05/2017
WARCRAB "Scars Of Aeons", Transcending Obscurity Records, 01/05/2017
AKATHARTA "Spiritus Immundus", Pulverised Records, 23/06/2017
BURY THE MACHINES "Wicked Covenant" EP, Midnite Collective, 09/06/2017
CIRCLE "Terminal", Southern Lord Records, 23/06/2017
DEATH THE LEVELLER s/t EP, self-release, 12/06/2017
DEMONAUTA "Tierra Del Fuego", Kozmik Artifactz / Bilocation Records, 09/06/2017
ENTER THE SOIL "That Ember Lit Morning", self-release, 09/06/2017 – Listen!
FIRE DOWN BELOW "Viper, Vixen, Goddes, Saint", Ripple Music, 23/06/2017
HOLLOW LEG "Crown, Murder Edition", Argonauta Records, 30/06/2017
LÂMINA "Lilith", Raging Planet, 02/06/2017
MARS RED SKY "Myramyd" 12-inch-EP, self-release, 17/06/2017
SAPATA "Satanibator", Inverse Records, 02/06/2017
SPACE WITCH "Arcanum", HeavySike Records, 09/06/2017
VOKONIS "The Sunken Djinn", Ripple Music, 09/06/2017
WASTES "Into The Void Of Human Vacuity", Code666 Records, 15/06/2017
WEIRD TALES s/t, self-release, 01/06/2017
WITCHTHROAT SERPENT 7-inch-EP, Svart Records, 16/06/2016
A STICK AND A STONE "The Long Lost Art Of Getting Lost", Sentient Ruin / Breathe Plastic / Spirit House, 21/07/2017
BORIS "Dear", Sargent House, 14/07/2017
BRUME "Rooster", DHU Records / Doom Stew Records, 15/07/2017
CAMBRIAN "Mobular", Taxi Driver Records – Listen!
CONTRA "Deny Everything", Robustfellow Productions / Shifty Records, 01/07/2017
DESTROYER OF LIGHT "Chamber Of Horrors", Heavy Friends Records, 14/07/2017
FLESHPRESS "Hulluuden Muuri", Kult Of Nihilow, 14/07/2017
GRAND DELUSION "Supreme Machine", Minotauro Records, 14/07/2017
GOD ROOT "Salt And Rot", Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, 11/07/2017
HAIR OF THE DOG "This World Turns", Kozmik Artifactz / Bilocation Records, 14/07/2017
KABBALAH "Spectral Ascent", Twin Earth Records, 07/07/2017
KING ZOG s/t, 28/07/2017
KROH "Altars", Minotauro Records, 14/07/2017
NIBIRU "Caosgon" (remastered), Argonauta Records, 07/07/2017
POSEIDON "Prologue", Ripple Music, 21/07/2017
SEER "Vol. III & IV: Cult Of The Void", Art Of Propaganda, 07/07/2017
SHROUD EATER "Strike The Sun", STB Records, 07/07/2017
THE MIDNIGHT GHOST TRAIN "Cypress Ave", Napalm Records, 28/07/2017
CANYON OF THE SKULL "The Desert Winter", self-release, 19/08/2017
CARONTE "Yoni", Ván Records, 25/08/2017
DEMON EYE "Prophecies And Lies", Soulseller Records, 11/08/2017
DEVIL ELECTRIC s/t, Kozmik Artifactz, 11/08/2017
FALSE GODS "Reports From Oblivion" EP, self-release, 18/08/2017
HELL s/t, Sentient Ruin Laboratories, 11/08/2017
HOWLING GIANT "Black Hole Space Wizard (Part 2)", Magnetic Eye Records, 25/08/2017
THE JUDGE "Tell It To The Judge", Ripple Music, 04/08/2017
LOW FLYING HAWKS "Genkaku", Magnetic Eye Records, 25/08/2017
OLDE "Temple", Magnetic Eye Records, 11/08/2017
TUNGA MOLN "III", Hevisike Records, 11/08/2017
71TONMANN "Earthwreck", Black Bow Records, 22/09/2017
BIG | BRAVE "Ardor", Southern Lord Records, 15/09/2017
CARDINALS FOLLY "Deranged Pagan Sons", Nine Records (CD) / Topillo Records (LP), 04/09/2017
CHURCH OF VOID s/t, Argonauta Records, 15/09/2017
CITIES OF MARS "Temporal Rifts", Argonauta Records, 29/09/2017
CRAWL "This Sad Cadav'r", Black Bow Records, 01/09/2017
DEADSMOKE "Mountain Legacy", Heavy Psych Sound Records, 29/09/2017
FACES OF THE BOG "Ego Death", DHU Records, 22/09/2017
HANDS OF ORLAC / THE WANDERING MIDGETSplit, Cruz Del Sur Music, 08/09/2017
MAHARAJA "Kali Yuga", self-release, 22/09/2017
MENIN "Lord Of Pain" EP, Doom Stew Records, 15/09/2017
MESMUR "S", Solitude Productions, 15/09/2017
MINDKULT "Lucifer's Dream", Transcending Obscurity Records, 20/09/2017
MONARCH "Never Forever", Profound Lore Records, 22/09/2017
MONOLORD "Rust", RidingEasy Records, 29/09/2017
PARADISE LOST "Medusa", Nuclear Blast Records, 01/09/2017
PROFETUS "Coronation of the Black Sun" (remastered), Weird Truth Productions, 27/09/2017
PROCESS OF GUILT "Black Earth", Bleak Recordings / Division Records, 22/09/2017
RED MOUNTAINS "Slow Wander", All Good Clean Records, 01/09/2017
SATOR "Ordeal", Argonauta Records, 01/09/2017
THREE EYES LEFT "The Cult Of Astaroth", Argonauta Records, 15/09/2017
UFOMAMMUT "8", Neurot Recordings, 22/09/2017
USNEA "Portals Into Futility", Relapse Records, 08/09/2017
WITH THE DEAD "Love With The Dead", Rise Above Records, 22/09/2017
APOTELESMA "Timewrought Kings", Solitude Productions, 27/10/2017
CRACKHOUSE "Ne No One. Be Nothing", Argonauta Records, 06/10/2017
ETERNAL ELYSIUM "Searching Low & High" (re-release), Robustfellow Productions
I KLATUS "Nagual Sun", self-release, 13/10/2017
IRON MONKEY "9-13", Relapse Records, 20/10/2017
JARED JAMES NICHOLS "Black Magic", Listenable Records / Edel, 27/10/2017
KALIBOS "Hexa", Darkest Age Productions, 01/10/2017
KROH "Pyres", Devizes Records, 13/10/2017
OBESE "Anamnesis", Argonauta Records, 20/10/2017
ODRADEK ROOM "A Man of Silt", Hypnotic Dirge Records / Solitude Productions, 12/10/2017
R.I.P. "Street Reaper", RidingEasy Records, 13/10/2017
PRIMITIVE MAN "Caustic", Relapse Records, 06/10/2017
PROCESSION "Doom Decimation", High Roller Records, 31/10/2017
SNOWY DUNES "Atlantis", Hevisike Records, 27/10/2017
STONEBIRDS "Time", self-release, 20/10/2017
YEAR OF THE COBRA "Burn Your Dead" EP, Magnetic Eye Records, 27/10/2017
BLACK CAPRICORN "Omega", Stone Stallion Rex, 02/11/2017
BONG CAULDRON "Binge", APF Records, 30/11/2017
CATAPULT THE DEAD "A Universal Emptiness", Doom Stew Records, 15/11/2017
DAXMA "The Head Which Becomes the Skull", Magnetic Eye Records, 17/11/2017
DEADNECK "Levitation", Kozmik Artifactz, 10/11/2017
ELECTRIC WIZARD "Wizard Bloody Wizard", Witchfinder / Spinefarm Records, 10/11/2017
FISTER & CHRCH split 12-inch, Crown and Throne Ltd, 17/11/2017
FREEDOM HAWK s/t (re-release), Ripple Music, 17/11/2017
HIGH REEPER s/t, self-release, 03/11/2017
I AM FIRE "From Ashes", Elevation Denmark, 10/11/2017
JUPITERIAN "Terraforming", Transcending Obscurity Records, 15/11/2017
LORELEI "Shadows Of October", Solitude Productions, 24/11/2017 – FB, BC
LUNA "Swallow Me Leaden Sky", Solitude Productions, 10/11/2017 – Home, BC
MAGMA RISE 10-inch vinyl, Daredevil Records, 03/11/2017
MONOLITH CULT "Gospel Of Despair", Transcending Records, 17/11/2017 – FB
PROFESSOR EMERITUS "Take Me To The Gallows", No Remorse Records, 13/11/2017
PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT "Sound Of The Wind", Listenable Records / Edel, 03/11/2017
PURPLE HILL WITCH "Celestial Cemetery", The Church Within Records, 10/11/2017
REDEMPTUS "Every Red Heart Fades To Black", Lost Pilgrims Records, 17/11/2017
SPECTRAL HAZE "Turning Electric", Totem Cat Records, 24/11/2017 – FB, BC
THE MOTH "Hysteria", This Charming Man Records, 10/11/2017
THE OBSESSED s/t (re-release), Relapse Records, 17/11/2017 – FB, BC
UR "Grey Wanderer", Droneburg Records, 24/11/2017
V "Pathogenisis", Suicide Records, 08/11/2017 – FB, BC
VESSEL OF LIGHT s/t, Argonauta Records, 03/11/2017
WOLF COUNSEL "Age Of Madness / Reign Of Chaos", Czar Of Bullets, 17/11/2017
YLVA "META", Pelagic Records /Translation Loss Records, 17/11/2017
ÆSTHETICA "Sonorous Æon", Esetiske Studier / Fysisk Format, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
HAWKMOTH "Godless Summit", Black Bow Records, 14/12/2017 – FB, BC
HOODED PRIEST "The Hour Be None", I Hate Records, 01/12/2017 – Review!
INTERSTELAR "Resin", Kozmik Artifactz, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
IRON WALRUS "A Beast Within", Redfield Records, 15/12/2017 – FB, Home
KING GOAT "Conduit" (re-release), Aural Music, 08/12/2017 – FB, BC
LES LEKIN "Died With Fear", Tonzonen Records, 01/12/2017 – FB, BC
PALE HORSEMAN "The Fourth Seal", Black Bow Records, 08/12/2017 – Review!
SNOWCHILD "Age Of Change", Kozmik Artifactz, 22/12/2017 – FB, BC
SORROWFUL LAND "Where The Sullen Waters Flow" EP, Solitude Productions, 15/12/2018 – FB, BC
THE HOWLING VOID "The Darkness at the Edge of Dawn", Avantgarde Music, 18/12/2017 – FB, BC





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